Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Story So Far.....

Ugh! Another bad license picture, should have got it photoshopped kk
So I've had a good amount of time to soak in the Korean life. I'm settling in pretty nicely, I got my F4 Visa (Citizenship), moved in to a convenient new place, opened a bank account and got a cell phone. Now I just need to find a job and a girlfriend and I'm all set! I wanted offer up some of what I thought was the good and bad of Seoul, Korea 6 weeks in...

 The Good;
  • Service! Korean service is really top notch! While getting a cell phone they gave me a free drink while I had a seat on their comfy couch. Ex.2 Services like internet setup or delivery of a online purchase usually get done the next day and on time.
  • Service!! (alt.) The other "service" meaning complimentary or free shit! When ordering food or drinks they will give you free food or side dishes! Who doesnt like free stuff?
  • Cheap High Speed Internet! No more waiting a week for a movie to download and No Throttling! Canadian Internet really blows in comparison
  •  K-Pop - Its pretty catchy music! Its like having that first breakfast twinkie of the day. It smells good, it looks good, it tastes good and much like a twinkie it give you that sugar rush but... (see below)
  •  Jollypong and Banana Milk. Jollypong tastes exactly like sugarcrisp cereal and its awesome when having it with some banana flavoured milk.

Not So Good;
  • Fruit is expensive! I spent 6000Won or $5.50 cdn for 6 mandarin oranges....
  • Mosquitoes! Korean mosquitoes are pure evil. They are definitely more blood thirsty and bitey than the Canadian variety. They will bite any exsposed body part. Ive gotten bites on my face, eyelid, ears and the bottom of my foot. They will also annoy you by buzzing in your ear while you sleep.
  • 90% of the shops are for female shoppers. I guess its a good thing if your female
  • The Truth - Ive had a few korean people call me fat and squeeze my belly. Koreans can be brutally honest.
  • K-Pop is also like having that tenth twinkie, it doesnt really give you the nutrition. Theres no substance, its just sugar and flour, You get sick of it after having so many and you dont wanna touch another one for weeks ......but you eventually go back and eat some more
Usually I had enough of Kpop when 'Shinee' comes on


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Dude, you like the HUGEST nerd in that license pic.....was that intentional? It must have been...putting your hair down like that. That's gay bro!

    And downloading porn at top speed eh? Now you will be jackin' it even quicker!

    But those K-Pop girls...Yowsa...O_o!! Very nice. I can't get enough of them!


  2. ya intentional.... haha
    it goes well with my drivers license though.
